Stretch 2023 - Allen Holub
Beyond Estimates
Level: General
In schedule:
Stretch Stage
October 5, 10:50 - 11:35 CET
Stretch 2023 - Aviv Ben-Yosef
Experience Pressure Cookers: Teams that Propel People Forward
Level: General
In schedule:
Stretch Stage
October 5, 14:55 - 15:40 CET

In the ever-evolving world of software engineering, the pace of learning and gaining experience can vary dramatically from year to year. It's akin to the theory of relativity – time moves differently depending on your speed. For engineers, the more deliberate practice they get, the faster they gain experience.But how can tech leaders and executives harness this concept to propel their teams forwar...

Stretch 2023 - Richard Farkas
The right LLM for the job
University of Szeged
ai business
Level: Intermediate+
In schedule:
Stretch Stage
October 6, 13:40 - 14:25 CET

The last 10 months of Natural Language Processing (NLP) has been dominated by ChatGPT. Altough, it's a great tool for some tasks and business contexts, it is not the right tool/large language model for each and every tasks and business contexts. In this talk, I discuss the the most important aspects we should take into account when we select the right NLP approach and toolset for our particular pr...

Stretch 2023 - Glenn Anderson
Solve Your Team's Communications Problem – The Illusion That It Has Taken Place
Glenn Anderson Speaks
Level: General
In schedule:
Stretch Stage
October 5, 16:55 - 17:40 CET

Stop miscommunication in its tracks. Whether your team is working in person, remotely or hybrid, an absence of understanding results in team problems. In this entertaining and practical session, learn to avoid these problems. Learn to command attention, listen proactively, and run more effective meetings. A particular focus is on written skills and more effective email communications. Using numero...

Stretch 2023 - Tyler Miller
A deceptively simple technique to set your teams up for improved and enduring velocity
Level: General
In schedule:
Stretch Stage
October 6, 09:10 - 10:10 CET

As an engineering leader, if there were a technique you could apply that:Doesn’t cost any additional moneyMakes your team members happierAnd, improves the sustainable velocity of your tech departmentwould you try it? In this talk, I will explain a technique that has done that for my teams at two different companies....

Stretch 2023 - Jason Yip
What does "productivity" really mean at different levels? Individual, team, organisation.
Reinvention Cycle LLC
organisational design
Level: Intermediate
In schedule:
Stretch Stage
October 5, 09:40 - 10:40 CET

Do you want to learn how to boost your productivity at individual, team, and organisational levels? If so, this presentation is for you. Individual productivity is about increased focus, frequent feedback, and reduced friction. Team productivity is about “flow over utilisation” and integration. Organisational productivity is about allocating effort, reducing relearning, and taking parallel bets. B...

Stretch 2023 - James Lewis
Complexity Science, Team Topologies and Flow
organisational design
team topologies
Level: General
In schedule:
Stretch Stage
October 5, 14:00 - 14:45 CET

Recent research summarised in the book Accelerate points to a set of practices that lead to high software development organisation performance. Simultaneously, research from the Santa Fe institute on Complex Adaptive Systems over the last 20 years seems to point to a grand unified theory of organisational design. So have we cracked it? Do we now have the answer to the question: how do we create an...

Stretch 2023 - Patrick Kua
The Engineering in Engineering Management
Patrick Kua
engineering manager
Level: General
In schedule:
Stretch Stage
October 6, 11:25 - 12:10 CET

Many folks are thrown into the Engineering Manager (EM) role without being told what is expected of them. In this talk, we will shine a light and clarify common “shapes” of EMs, what an EM should focus on and what the “engineering” in the title really means. We will answer questions like, “Should an EM code?”, “What makes EMs different from other managers?” and “How do you know if you’re doing a g...

Stretch 2023 - Benjamin Taylor
Cadenced culture: the key to high-performing teams based on trust.
Level: General
In schedule:
Stretch Stage
October 6, 16:45 - 17:30 CET

Rituals and practices that help teams to stay focused, productive, and aligned.In high pressure organisations, working in agile ways in complex contexts, we need to maintain a dynamic culture. This requires an active balance of four dynamics:1. Grouping for specialisation: dividing people into groups based on their skills, interests, or backgrounds in order to develop diverse specialised cap...

Stretch 2023 - Lesley Cordero
Trauma Informed Reliability Management
The New York Times
psychologically safety
incident management
Level: Intermediate
In schedule:
Stretch Stage
October 6, 14:45 - 15:30 CET

Psychological safety is particularly important for teams that manage service reliability. The vulnerability that comes with mitigating failures in production requires principles of trust, transparency, and inclusion that can only come from cultures that minimize harm and enable empowerment.Cultivating this kind of culture requires leaders to think proactively about how to build processes and syste...

Stretch 2023 - Samay Shamdasani
Engineering Velocity at Ramp
Level: General
In schedule:
Stretch Stage
October 6, 10:30 - 11:15 CET

At Ramp, we make big bets—fast. Our first bet was a corporate card built to save both time and money for our customers. Over the next few years, we doubled down on this mission—launching accounting automation, expense management, bill payments, vendor management, travel, procurement, and more. In this talk, learn more about how our team thinks about building intuitive and delightful products—all w...

Stretch 2023 - Samantha Coffman
Boosting Platform Teams with Product Thinking: Tapping into the 4th Team Topology
Level: Intermediate
In schedule:
Stretch Stage
October 5, 16:00 - 16:45 CET

This talk unveils the journey undertaken by a Platform Product Manager in her journey at HelloFresh and Spotify in reshaping traditional platform teams into dynamic forces guided by a product-first philosophy informed by the 4th topology outlined in Team Topologies. Rooted in these principles, HelloTech and Spotify platform teams have been reimagined as compelling internal product providers, accel...

Stretch 2023 - Kadri Pirn
Unlocking Human Potential: Empowering Individuals with Transforming Performance Reviews
The unFIX Company
Level: General
In schedule:
Stretch Stage
October 5, 11:55 - 12:40 CET

In this talk, we explore the profound concept of Ikigai, the Japanese philosophy that helps individuals discover their purpose and achieve fulfillment in life. We delve into the importance of guiding people toward finding their center meaning and unlocking their full potential. Moreover, we tackle the challenge of transforming performance reviews and annual assessments into powerful tools for pers...

Stretch 2023 - Jason Yip
"We're in it together" and other perspectives on effective product development culture (circa 2023)
Reinvention Cycle LLC
Level: General
In schedule:
Stretch Stage
October 6, 15:40 - 16:25 CET

Have you watched those Spotify engineering culture videos? They were trendy and influential but that was around nine years ago. What might we say about effective product development culture today? In this talk, Jason will share a summary of 2023-era effective product development culture based on his eight years at Spotify and 14 years at ThoughtWorks. This will include core beliefs, guiding princi...

Stretch 2023 - Gábor Nádai aka Mefi
Stretch 2023 - Karolina Tóth aka Fancy
Stretch 2023 - David Schneidhoffer  aka kisPocok
Leadership vs. Expertise: The Line Manager's Dilemma
Level: General
In schedule:
Innovation Stage
October 5, 16:00 - 16:45 CET

Should your line manager be an expert in your field?Join us for a live recording of AVK podcast aka Leadership anonymous! - a podcast dedicated to spreading modern leadership knowledge and best practices amongst Hungarians! All three of the show hosts are experienced leaders from the tech industry, having worked for startups, medium to large organizations and multinational enterprises as well. At ...

Stretch 2023 - Irina Loginova
Boosting delivery governance with data-driven approach
Level: General
In schedule:
Innovation Stage
October 5, 11:55 - 12:40 CET

During the presentation you will learn more on how exactly accumulation of metrics from different streams in one place has helped to leverage productivity, enhance stable delivery and engineering excellence....

Stretch 2023 - Wittmann Ádám
Unleash our potential in Hybrid Work
Level: General
In schedule:
Innovation Stage
October 5, 10:50 - 11:35 CET

2023 welcomed our group with multiple planned project deliveries, the hype and demand of hybrid working mode, while half of the team had less than a year experience in their current field.This talk is about what we have done to attack this situation, to build up motivation and competency to achieve project targets and how we’re getting our function development team up to speed while increasing eng...

Stretch 2023 - Nassim Ibrouchene
The role of automotive Radars in Assisted & Autonomous Driving
Continental Autonomous Mobility Hungary
Level: General
In schedule:
Innovation Stage
October 5, 14:00 - 14:45 CET

From the first production ready automotive radar in the end of the 90's to today, RADAR sensors have been playing a major role in the development of Assisted & Autonomous Driving. In this talk the followings will be discussed: the important aspects of RADARs, why they are essential and what the future could look like for this technology....

Stretch 2023 - Alice Walther-Wosnitzka
Stretch 2023 - Abhash Sinha
Towards next gen Enterprise search - powering the TEAM ZEISS employee portal by genAI
Level: General
In schedule:
Innovation Stage
October 5, 14:55 - 15:40 CET

TEAM ZEISS Employee Portal is a vital tool for improving enterprise search capabilities, knowledge sharing, and employee productivity. In this presentation we elaborate on the vision of employee portal as central entry point into the daily work that increases productivity of all employees worldwide and connects as well as enables them. Our comprehensive search experience supports the portal vision...

Stretch 2023 - Zsolt Vadócz
Kate, your AI-based digital financial assistant from K&H
Level: General
In schedule:
Innovation Stage
October 6, 10:30 - 11:15 CET

Prepare for an exciting journey into the future of banking with Kate, the first AI-based digital financial assistant in Hungary. In this presentation, we unravel Kate’s moments from her birth through kindergarten to becoming a real Bank executive reshaping the financial landscape of AI assistants....

Diversity in Tech : The Power of Allyship
Level: General
In schedule:
Innovation Stage
October 6, 11:25 - 12:10 CET

Join us for a dynamic panel discussion on the topic of "The Power of Allyship", featuring prominent tech leaders in the industry:Benaz IraniHajnalka PatakiLeah TharinTheresa JohnsonExplore the current state of diversity, understand the vital role of allyship, and gain actionable insights into breaking down barriers. Discover how the tech industry can evolve into a more inclusive and equitable fut...

Stretch is going to be part of Compass Tech Summit which means you can choose from several talks in the topics of Data, UX/UI, Product, Engineering Leadership and AI. Click to see more!