Katie Kenney

Katie Kenney

Katie Kenney

VP of Customer Success AT Bitrise

Leading the Customer Success team at Bitrise, I come with with 15+ years experience building and developing Customer Success teams - leading strategies that designed to increase customer satisfaction, retention and growth rates.

Happy customers start from a healthy team. I believe to drive customer success, you have to have a healthy team. Starting with the best people, building lasting relationships based on trust and creating a culture that puts the customer at the epicenter of everything that we do.

Talk: Empathetic Leadership: The importance of building Relationships & Trust

One of the most underestimated qualities in an effective leader is their ability to demonstrate empathy. By leading with empathy, leaders are able to build relationships and trust that infiltrate the business, improve communication and drive productivity. It’s important to assess the situation and know when to take charge, or take care of the people in charge.